Keratex Hoof Hardener

Keratex Equine Hoofcare

Keratex Hoof Hardener

Keratex Hoof Hardener strengthens weak, worn, and cracked hooves by improving the molecular structure of the horn itself. Equally effective in wet and dry conditions, it prevents the horn from taking in excess moisture, making it resistant to softening and weakening in wet conditions. This results in a reduction in shoe loss and abscesses. It is not an oil or a resin layer and does not seal the hoof; it will ensure the treated hoof is able to breathe naturally. Moisture balance is properly maintained. It should also be applied to the sole of the hoof to prevent bruising.

Hoof Hardener is a gentle-acting chemical formulation that forms additional intermolecular bonds between molecules of keratin through the process of cross-linking. Keratin is the main protein constituent of horn and is best described as the building block of the horn structure. The cross-linking process results in additional atoms being distributed between the keratin molecules to produce a tougher and stronger horn structure.

Many other products claim to strengthen the hoof, but usually this entails a superficial layer of resin or varnish. Hoof Hardener works by actually improving the structure of the horn itself. Since it is neither a varnish or resin layer, it leaves no visible coating. Therefore, the treated hoof is able to breathe and function naturally. With the active formulation of Hoof Hardener, the quality of existing horn can be improved chemically within just a few days. Obviously, cracks will not disappear, but the horn around them will be strengthened to resist further movement so they can grow out. Once treated, the horn will also be better able to support nails so shoes stay on better. Because of its hardening and strengthening effects, it is superb for use on shod and unshod horses.


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